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New Issue Drops this week

We are pretty hyped to media sponsor and be covering the @growupconference hitting #Edmonton #Alberta next week and we are so excited to be dropping an all new issue #85 of #highcanadamagazine early/mid this week talking with #RandyRowe on all things cannabis, on building and working diligently on reinventing cannabis tradeshows as well as the significant contributions these shows bring to cannabis culture in Canada. This... plus as much #info on #growUp23 as we can possibly fit into the issue...
#speakers #seedexchange #masterclasses #brandandbuyerszone #budtenderday #rooftopparty #canadiancannabiscompetition and more!

Caleb Carrier
    Subscribed 2 years ago
John Gallagher
    Subscribed 2 years ago
Debi Facey
    Subscribed 1 year ago
Uptop Fette
    Subscribed 1 year ago
Nguyen Le 6
    Subscribed 1 year ago
Nimbus Smokes
    Subscribed 1 year ago

About The HighCanadaMagazine Channel

Cannabis culture in Canada


Category: Weed101

Videos: 5