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Pete met Founder Nunee Jones in Florida in the late 2010's and received a Blood, Sweat and Tears award for Philanthropy. We were honored to meet him and look forward to his Cannadelic event this coming May in Miami Florida. Cannadelic partnered with NeCann for this event on May 23-24th at the Miami Airport Convention Center.
Donate to the cause: https://ccsffl.org/donation Yvette (Founder) is a dynamic business executive and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience as a licensed Patient care assistance. Her interpersonal skills and authentic passion for patient care has allowed her to see remarkable success in developing the Crohn’s Charity Service Foundation (2011), a non-for-profit organization helping low income consumers by facilitating access to medical help (Doctors) including pharmaceutical (Medicine) and medical Cannabis and Hemp products for those suffering from this debilitating disease. Her innovative approach to business development has helped her dedicate her talents unconditionally to all that she encounters, In addition to her endeavors in the healthcare industry Yvette is the Chief Operating Officer and Co-owner of Indo Wellness LLC, (Herbal Consulting and Farm Business 2016), The President of Indo Wellness Magazine (2017). She is also the creator of the “Blood Sweat & Tears” Awards (Since 2019) which is given to those who dedicate their lives to the Cannabis freedom for all people. Over 18 years of Contracting (remodel of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church 2014), consulting, a horticulturist (Graduating from Oakserdam University in Oakland Ca. 2016), and most important a mother of a son with Crohn's Disease. "Connecting Communities and helping them to live " is her motto. Last but not lease, her newest endeavor is being a License hemp grower in the State of Florida with 2 Hemp Farms and 2 community garden (2020) in Naples and Leesburg Ocala Florida area, her pride and joy is the CCSF Food Bank located in Naples. Yvette aka Nunee Jones for social media created 3 fundraiser events to help fund her initiative. 1. "Wellness Festival in the Park" in Bonita Springs Florida (2019 2. Crohn's Charity Service Foundation Las Vegas Red Carpet Cannabis Cocktails, Cuisine (2018) last but not lease 3. TopGolf "Let's Feed the Kids" summer program (2022) Ocala Easter Fest. If she is on your team then the team is a winner..
Category: Events
Videos: 5
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